Monday, February 27, 2017

Pros and Cons: YouTubers (Markiplier)

Note: This is my personal opinion about Markiplier! If yours differs, do NOT complain about it...

- Markiplier makes fun content (for me, most of the time).
- He donates to charity. He's a nice guy. He's polite. Pretty much like that 99% of the time...
- He appreciates everything his fans do for him. (Involves fan games and videos)
- He makes funny shorts that I like to watch a few times over again.
- He has fun characters. (Wilford Warfstache, Tiny Box Tim, Darkiplier etc.)

- ...I have a hard time to actually come up with any cons. Uh... Sometimes he's not so fun, I guess?
- He puts his fans before his own health. I guess...? That's not good...

Do I like Markiplier?
YES. I find this guy funny and entertaining. I don't watch him 24/7 but who would do that anyway??

Markiplier, you'll never see this, but I appreciate what you do. Never stop (until that's impossible...)!

What would happen if he actually saw this and I knew about it?
- I'd kill myself out of shame...

I might delete this post.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Midbyte - "Another school project"

I came up with yet another game idea put into development, Midbyte. It's going to be a "retro platformer in just two colors", possibly with local 2 Player Mode.

The name of the game comes from the words "Midnight" and "Byte", not that you do anything with this info...

What would it include:
- 3 Worlds, 10 Levels and a Boss each
- Music by Ayrayen (Let's see how this goes...)
- Simplistic gameplay and visuals

Unlike SpaceX, this game isn't really under any deadlines... It should be done quickly as it includes quite little content.

Read the Devlog on Game Jolt:

That's all for now.

Monday, February 13, 2017

"Lumph's Adventure - The Seven Stones" RPG idea?

I come up with stories (that I consider great) way too often...

Current game title
I've come up with yet another "great game idea", titled "Lumph's Adventure - The Seven Stones". Your typical RPG, this game would be pretty much like that. Lots of text to read, locations to explore, turn-based battle mechanics, lots of quests etc.

The plot is incomplete and I haven't designed the game yet, either.

I'm planning on actually sketching the characters before drawing them for the game.

I think I could use Photo Story 3 generated songs (that I've already made) in the game. Being good (IMO) I might use them in other games as well.

I want to make this game so badly... But I think I'll try and make BBNR first...
Actually, since Deemo-R is taking his time with the music, I could focus on this project a bit more...

I wish to receive even a single opinion about this...

That's all for now.

Friday, February 3, 2017

A passing thought: Make a depressing game

The title says it all. I have a ridiculous game idea.
My inspiration comes from my depression and Photo Story 3's capabilities.
Possible title: Broken Mind
You figure out the rest...
That's all for now...

Nothing important to say...

I wanted to make a post, so... Might as well write something...

One thing is: I'm helping to make Happy Block Platforming, as I mentioned in my "Game collaboration" post. Currently the menu theme's my "Blue Lights" I generated with Photo Story 3...
Actually, I made a video for it. Enjoy!
I don't think there's anything more, really... Well, except for one.

How is my channel and its videos seen around the world??
I am one of billions of people! There are people that make better content (I think...).


Yeah, that's all. For now, anyway...